How Do I Meet People?
You may have heard it said that the church is not a place for spectators. A church is family, a group of called out believers who have been bought by the blood of Jesus Christ. It is a place for team members. Whether you are a five-year old child, a ninety-five year old grandmother, a busy mom, or a businessman with big responsibilities, we want you to be a part of our vibrant church community. Below are a few different ways that you can learn, serve, and grow at this church.

~ Ways to Get Plugged In ~

Sunday School / Small Group Meetings

The best way to get to know other Christians is to become a part of a Bible Study Group through Sunday school/small group meetings. We have groups for all ages and would love to have you join us. Not sure what you are looking for? Give them a try and see which best fits you or speak to one of the church leaders and let us help you get plugged in.
The men’s ministry organizes a Family Breakfast every month (or so) and workdays for the church building and grounds, as well as putting together the church picnics. The Men’s Prayer Breakfast meets each Tuesday morning at 6 a.m. There are multiple mens small groups to check out. 


Our Women’s Ministry is seeking to help the women of our church grow spiritually through Bible study, developing friendships through fellowship, and ministering to our community through mission opportunities. If you need more information, click on the Women’s Ministry tab to be taken to their page.


The Music Ministry of MBC is actually a ministry of worship. Our goal is to direct members and visitors toward the One in whose name we have gathered. We recognize that He is holy and almighty and worthy of all our praise and worship. He gives us various forms of music for this purpose. If you’d like to get involved in our music ministry, consider one of the options below and then talk with Tony Kozlosky. 

Senior Adult Ministry

Our S.A.M. Fellowship meets monthly on the fourth Thursday for fellowship and entertainment.
If you’d like to join in the festivities, or just get to know some more people your age, look for Roy or Mary Sue Smith.
Kids Ministry
Our Kids Ministry is one of the most important ministries in our church. As a church we recognize the importance of investing in and teaching young ones the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We’ve got a plate full of activities for your child(ren) to get involved in all year long. From Bible study on Wednesday nights to small groups on Sunday morning all the way down to Helping Hands and kids camp each summer. Come and join us and don’t miss a second of the fun.
Student Ministry
Let’s face it, being a student in this day and age isn’t easy. And being a devoted follower of Christ isn’t any easier. That’s why coming together to learn about God’s Word and hang out with other believers your age is so important!
If you fall in the 7th to 12th grade range, we’d love for you to come and join us on Wednesday nights and get involved in one of our age appropriate Sunday School Classes.