Let’s face it, being a student in this day and age isn’t easy. And being a devoted follower of Christ isn’t any easier. That’s why coming together to learn about God’s Word and hanging out with other believers your age is so important!
If you fall in the 7th to 12th grade range, we’d love for you to come and join us on Wednesday nights and get involved in one of our age appropriate Sunday School Classes. We have a passion for teaching students the Bible while providing a safe environment for kids to come to know Jesus as their Lord & Savior.
MBC Student Ministry currently meets on Wednesday nights at 6:20 PM. 
Come for Worship, Teaching, Fellowship, and Games.
  • Back to School Bash: Wednesday, August 14th 6:30-8:00 p.m.
  • Clean Out Your Closet!!  Student Ministry will collect coats, gloves, hats, and other cold weather essentials to keep our inner city families warm. Collecting through October 31st. A donation box is located in foyer marked “Winter Essential Donation Box”.